
As a performer he focuses his work in the poetry of the corporal expression departing from humorous and absurd situations as inspiration to show fragments of reality and human behavior.
His scenic language grows from various disciplines experimented in a non-hierarchical creation process, ending up sometimes in a surrealist, minimalist or abstract aesthetic.
On his projects he looks for the conditions to make empathy emerges organically from poetic, to dialogue silently with the viewer through imagination and let the reflection be a consequence of the scenic experience itself.
He considers the performance as a ritual space to gather and share.
With the support of the “Département de la Savoie “
Service action culturelle de la Ville de Chambéry (73)
2014,2017, 2019 Soutien du Ministere de la Culture, Mexique
2017 Soutien à la création dramaturgique – IBERESCENA
2015 National Meeting of Performing Arts, Mexico
2012 Soutien aux études à l’étranger FONCA-CONACYT (Conseil national pour la science et la technologie).
2015 Master-Théâtre physique, Scuola Teatro Dimitri, SUPSI Suisse.
2011 Acteur diplômé à l’Ecole National d’Art Théâtral, INBA-Mexico.
2006 Licencié en Communication à la FES Acatlàn-UNAM, Mexico.
Author and actor
Teatro UNAM, première – MEXICO 2022
*Coproduction France – Mexico : Teatro UNAM (MEX) – NARANJAZUL (FRA)
*Project supported by the National Fun for Culture and the Arts, Mexico
Présentations de travail en cours : Espace Paul Jargot, Crolles, FRANCE 2020. Espace Rene Proby, SainMartind’Hères, FRANCE 2019. Le TOTEM, Chambéry, FRANCE 2019. Centro Cultural Acatlán – UNAM, MEXICO 2018. Artist in residence, La Bobine, FRANCE 2018
Author and actor
Soutenue par le Département de la SAVOIE (FRA)
*Project supported by the National Fun for Culture and the Arts, Mexico
2017 Soutien à la création dramaturgique – IBERESCENA
Présentations : National Coordination of Theaters, MEXICO 2019. Festival “Paroles en Marge”, FRANCE 2018. Festival B.U.L.E. FRANCE 2018. Festival “Migrant’Scène” FRANCE 2017. UrbANA ljubljANA award, SLOVENIJA 2017. 20th International Festival of Alternative Theatrical Expression, HRVATSKA (CROATIA) 2017. Festival SANS TITRE MAI(S)#5:MUR, FRANCE 2017
Author and actor
*Project supported by the National Fun for Culture and the Arts, Mexico
Présentations : “Journées Vivants du Patrimoine” Naranjazul, FRANCE 2021. Festival “Paroles en Marge”, FRANCE 2018. XIII Fiesta de las Artes Escénicas, COLOMBIA 2017. Festival Santiago OFF, CHILE 2016. Cuadrienal de escenografía y diseño, “Exhibición de objetos teatrales” ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA 2015. Encuentro de las Artes Escénicas MEXICO 2015. Footsbarn Theater, FRANCE 2015. 2do Encuentro Internacional de Clown, MEXICO 2014
Dramaturgie : Aarón Govea
Original idea: Maud Giboudeau
*Soutenue par le Département de la SAVOIE (FRA)
Présentations : Tour Federation Alianze Francese, MEXICO 2022. Teatro en Plazas Públicas, CDMX, MEXICO 2019. Centro Nacional de las Artes, CDMX, MEXICO 2019. Rues et Cies, Épinal, FRANCE 2018. Festival International d’Aurillac, FRANCE 2018. Zaccros d’ma Rue, Nevers, FRANCE 2018. Fort du Bruissin-Lab’Art, Francheville, FRANCE 2018. Festival du Serious Road Trip, Besançon
Collaboration: Aarón Govea – Maud Giboudeau.
ANIMALES DOMÉSTICOS y otras reflexiones (2013)
Based on Karl Valentine texts. Adaptation: Aarón Govea.
For more information about the projects, please follow the next link: